Produção Científica
Determination of Traveltime Parameters in VTI Media. ALEIXO, R.; SCHLEICHER, J.; COSTA, J. C.. In: 11th International Congress of the SBGf, 2009, Salvador. Expanded Abstracts. Rio de Janeiro : Soc. Bras. Geof. (SBGf), 2009. |
Determination of traveltime parameters in VTI media. ALEIXO, R. ; SCHLEICHER, J.. In: 79th Ann. Internat. Mtg., 2009, Houston. Expanded Abstracts. Tulsa : Soc. Expl. Geophysicists, 2009. p. 306-310. |
Including lateral velocity variations into true-amplitude common-shot wave-equation migration. AMAZONAS, D.; ALEIXO, R.; MELO, G.; NOVAIS, A.; SCHLEICHER, J.; COSTA, J. C.. In: Annual Meeting, 2010, Denver. Expanded Abstracts. Tulsa: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2010. p. 3385-3390. |
Including Lateral Velocity Variations into True-amplitude Wave-equation Migration. AMAZONAS, D.; MELO, G.; ALEIXO, R.; SCHLEICHER, J.; NOVAIS, A.; COSTA, J. C.. In: 71st EAGE Conference & Exhibition, 2009, Amsterdam. Extended Abstracts, 2009. |
Anisotropic Complex-Padé Hybrid Finite-difference Depth Migration. AMAZONAS, D.; ALEIXO, R.; SCHLEICHER, J.; COSTA, J. C.. In: 71st EAGE Conference & Exhibition, 2009, Amsterdam. Extended Abstracts, 2009. |
Including lateral velocity variations into true-amplitude wave-equation migration. AMAZONAS, D.; ALEIXO, R.; SCHLEICHER, J.; COSTA, J. C.; NOVAIS, A.; MELO, G.. In: 11th International Congress of the SBGf, 2009, Salvador. Expanded Abstracts. Rio de Janeiro : Soc. Bras. Geof. (SBGf), 2009. |
Anisotropic complex-Padé hybrid finite-difference depth migration. AMAZONAS, D.; ALEIXO, R. ; SCHLEICHER, J. ; COSTA, J. C.. In: 11th International Congress of the SBGf, 2009, Salvador. Expanded Abstracts. Rio de Janeiro: Soc. Bras. Geof. (SBGf), 2009. |
The Brazilian Permanent Seismographic Network: Current Plans and Preliminary Results. ASSUMPÇÃO, M, FERREIRA, J M, NASCIMENTO, D, FONTES, S L, PIRCHINER, M, BARROS, L V, FRANÇA, G S, DOURADO, J, do NASCIMENTO, A F. In AGU Joint Assembly, Foz do Iguaçu, 2010. |
Artificial Neural Networks and Bayesian Networks as Supporting Tools For Diagnosis of Assymptomatic Malaria. BARROS, Austeclino M ; DUARTE, Angelo A; BARRAL-NETTO, Manoel; ANDRADE, Bruno B. In: 12th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (Healthcom2010), 2010, Lyon. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (Healthcom2010), 2010. |
Artificial Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition in Oil Rod Pump System Anomalies. BEZERRA, Marco A.D.; BARRETO FILHO, Manoel de A.; SOUZA, J A M Felippe de; SCHNITMAN, L.. In: The 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2009, Las Vegas. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2009. |