Produção Científica


Complex resistivity measurements on plugs from Corvina oil field, Campos basin, Brazil
Petrophysical parameters have been measured for 12 plugs from two wells of Corvina oil field, Campos basin, Brazil. Their spectral complex resistivity have been measured in the frequency interval 10-3Hz – 105Hz, as phase and amplitude. Two models have been used for fitting the experimental data, the Dias model and a new composed Dias/Cole-Cole model. The reasons for introducing this second model was the discrepancies for an intermediate frequency interval when the Dias model was used, presumably due to samples imperfections. In this way, the data fitting problems were solved. The results provide by the two models were used to estimate the values of permeability, successfully in both cases. This analyses also determined the frequency interval to be observed when complex resistivity measurements are taken looking for permeability determination.

Singular value decomposition and multichannel predictive deconvolution applied to multiple attenuation of Jequitinhonha basin
In this work, it is proposed the use of singular value decomposition and multichannel predictive deconvolution to multiple attenuation. Each method kept its modus operandi; however, in order to improve the results, the deconvolution was applied only on the short offsets, whilst the SVD was applied to the whole data. The results obtained by using this method on the 2-D marine seismic data from an acquisition on Jequitinhonha basin were satisfactory, since the multiple reflections were attenuated, and the amplitude of the reflectors was conserved.

DCCA e Análise Espectral: Aplicação em Dados de Poços da Bacia de Jequitinhonha
Advances in the understanding of lithosphere are obtained through the analysis of geological and geophysical data, which will help in the exploration of its resources, reducing the risks and making it more efficient. Much of this information, which is in the form of spatial series, such as the well log data, in our case collected in the Jequitinhonha Basin, located in the southeastern region of the state of Bahia, Brazil. The importance of interpretation of well log data can provide information about subsurface geological continuity and even the type of rock layer. We performed the kind of analysis for the identification of correlations present in a signal (autocorrelation) or in two distinct signals (cross -correlation), using the approach of DCCA or Detrended Cross Correlation Analysis. As an extension of our previous work, the present one detailed the application of the DCCA method to well profiles of the Jequitinhonha Basin, inferring that a certain anomaly present in two wells is due to a layer of calcilutites. In addition, Spectral Analysis was used in the same data, so that the spectral coefficient from this method was compared with what was obtained through DCCA. The discrepancies obtained, depending on the analyzed well log, ranged from 1% to 15% for most of the results.

On the problem of low-frequency static correction
This paper considers factor models used in the static and waveform correction. Such models lead to a system of linear equations, which allows us to perform a detailed analysis of the obtained solutions. In particular, it is possible to understand the low-frequency static correction problem and its connection with the structure of the system of seismic observations. At the same time, it is shown how this problem can be solved at the algorithmic level to optimize the use of a priori information. The latter is particularly important for the analysis of dynamic problems. In the study of linear systems two approaches are realized: an iterative process to estimate the parameters (factors) of the model, as well as analysis of heuristic conditions to guarantee uniqueness and stability of their determination.

Basin Modeling: Pressure Prediction for the Marine Jequitinhonha
This paper aims at the composition of a seismicstratigraphical framework for part of Jequitinhonha basin (marine east part of the State of Bahia), for pressure prediction in gas and oil exploration in sedimentary basins. The knowledge of the velocity distributions can be based on seismic sections, petrophysical information and empirical model, and it is based on the knowledge of the compressional (vp) and shear (vs) velocities, and densities (ρ). We presented details of the theoretical model, and an example to show how the pressure varies in the subsurface, where we highlight that pressure prediction does not necessarily increase linearly, but in a complex way that requires specific numerical formulas to be able to see important details. The model poses the vertical gravity load as pressure agent on the geological formations, and does not take into account the effects of curvatures, faulting and diagenesis, and lateral tectonic events. An accurate prediction needs a 3D model for a significantly complete practical application.

Using a new approach of construction synthetic orthorhombic media: Application on the estimative of Thomsen's parameters
The goal of this work is to make artificial anisotropic synthetic samples with orthorhombic symmetry with different crack densities and relate these densities with Thomsen's parameters. For this purpose, we made four core samples with bedding planes and different number of parallel cracks. The first sample was made without fratcures and the others with 3, 4, and 6 fartcures, respectively. Based on the pulse transmission technique that propagates P- and S-waves through each sample to determine the waves' traveltimes and calculate their velocity in each direction for each sample. Those velocities were used to calculate Thomsen's parameters for orthorhombic media based on Tsvankin's notation.

Verificação experimental do modelo efetivo de Hudson/Liu para meios fortemente fraturados
The knowledge about properties of subsurface, including cracking characteristics, are extremely important in the context of seismic exploration of anisotropic reservoir. One way of studying the waves behavior for different geological contexts is through the use of effective medium theories. A large number of effective theories have been proposed to study the influence of the geological medium by seismic wave investigation. These models, however, need a calibration in order to define their limitations. This process can be performed through physical modelling. This present work was done an attempt to calibrate a theoretical model (heavily fractured model from Hudson/Liu) simulating a medium containing crack planes. For this to be done, eight physical synthetic fractured sandstones were built. The anisotropic Thomsen parameter γ were estimated through ultrasonic procedure. The results show that the theoretical model for low crack density has a good fit with experimental values of S-wave velocities as well as γ parameter for crack densities up to 8%.

A new and efficient way to construct synthetic porous fractured or heterogeneous medium
Fractures occur in the earth under wide range of scales and in different depths. Understand them from wave propagations, is a hard task, which has consumed plenty of research time both in the oil industry and academy. Many authors have been investigating the behaviour of seismic waves in fractured media through the use of physical modelling, which several methods for synthetic sample preparation has been used. We have developed a new, efficient and feasible methodology of fractured sample construction, based on: cement, sand, especial material (cuts holder) and solvent. The cuts holder (material A) (square piece or pennyshape) are leached out by using solvent B. The empty space created by this leaching can represent fractures or cracks in a porous background. The sample petrophysical parameters are controlled by pressure, temperature and clay content, or in this work by the cement content. To verify the feasibility of our methodology, P- and S-wave ultrasonic velocities and Thomsen anisotropy parameters (ε and γ) were estimated in four dry fractured samples and in a reference sample. Purposely, our reference sample has a background anisotropy induced by layer-by-layer material deposition. The results show a coherent behaviour of anisotropy parameter as function of number of dry fractures. This new methodology highlights the possibility of using less expensive materials and in a short time to construct anisotropic media made by fractured or cracked regions.

Reverse time migration as the transpose of forward operator by rapid expansion method (REM)
This paper presents a reverse time migration (RTM) method formulated as the transpose of the forward operator. For modeling, the wave equation solution is expressed by the rapid expansion method (REM). The REM is a wave equation solution method that is based on the Chebyshev expansion and can be used to stably extrapolate wavefields even for larger time steps. The forward operator is commonly reused in RTM for back-propagation and achieves satisfactory results, but, in order to correctly apply the reverse time migration, it requires the adjoint wave-equation solution. Here, we show that the adjoint operator using the REM as the forward modeling operator can be obtained by transposing the forward operator. The new adjoint operator based on the REM is easily implemented with little changes in the existing RTM code. During the imaging condition procedure, we choose the causal imaging condition which is employed to avoid low-frequency noise and false events produced by the conventional cross-correlation imaging condition. A numerical example is used to compare the results produced by the traditional RTM and the proposed reverse adjoint time method and also to show the benefits of the adjoint method versus the conventional RTM.

Linking permeability and elastic properties in carbonate rocks
Permeability is the ability of a rock to allow the movement of fluids through its pore system. It is one the most important petrophysical properties of a reservoir and is tightly linked to production estimates and reservoir management. Nevertheless, it is one of the most difficult parameters to be described in a reservoir study, as it cannot be measured directly by geophysical methods. The use of permeability variation maps along the reservoir can aid to identify flow barriers, guide the location of wells and optimize production. This work studied the relationship between the absolute permeability, porosity and elastic properties of dry and brine-saturated carbonate rocks. The main goal was to derive a relationship between these properties that best estimates the absolute permeability using a multiple linear regression methodology.
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