Produção Científica


Migration Velocity Analysis by Double Path-integral Migration.
SCHLEICHER, J.; COSTA, J. C.. In: 71st EAGE Conference & Exhibition, 2009, Amsterdam. Extended Abstracts, 2009.

Migration velocity analysis by double path-integral migration.
SCHLEICHER, J.; COSTA, J. C.. In: 11th International Congress of the SBGf, 2009, Salvador. Expanded Abstracts. Rio de Janeiro : Soc. Bras. Geof. (SBGf), 2009.

Migration velocity analysis by double path-integral migration.
SCHLEICHER, J.; COSTA, J. C.. In: 79th Ann. Internat. Mtg., 2009, Houston. Expanded Abstracts. Tulsa: Soc. Expl. Geophysicists, 2009.

Regularização de problemas inversos por seleção de valores singulares: aplicação em tomografia iterativa de tempos de trânsito.
SILVA, C. J. M. G.; BASSREI, A.. In: XI Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica, 2009, Salvador, BA, Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil: Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica, 2009. v. único. p. 1-6.

Statistical characterization of seismic process extremes in an intraplaca área Case study: João Câmara RN Brazil.
SILVA, R.N.C.; LUCIO, P.S.; DO NASCIMENTO, A.F.; MEDEIROS, W. E.; Ferreira, J.M.. In: 11th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2009, Salvador/BA. Expanded Abstracts - 11th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2009.

2.5D reverse time migration.
SILVA NETO, F. A.; COSTA, J. C.; SCHLEICHER, J.; NOVAIS, A.. In: Annual Meeting, 2010, Denver. Expanded Abstracts. Tulsa: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2010. p. 3396-3400.

The Seismogenic Cascavel fault in intraplate north-eastern Brazil.
SOUSA, M O, VILAR, C S, FERREIRA, J M, BEZERRA, F H, do NASCIMENTO, A F, CASTRO, D L. In AGU Joint Assembly, Foz do Iguaçu, 2010.

Using artificial neural networks for pattern recognition of downhole dynamometer card in oil rod pump system.
SOUZA, J A M Felippe de; BEZERRA, Marco A.D.; BARRETO FILHO, Manoel de A.; SCHNITMAN, L.. In: International Conference on artificial intelligence, knowledge, engineering and data bases, 2009, Cambridge. Proceedings of the AIKED-2009. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 2009. v. 1. p. 230-235.

Time Evolution of the Wave Equation using the Rapid Expansion Method for Highly Accurate RTM.
STOFFA, Louis Paul; PESTANA, R. C. In: Subsalt Imaging Workshop: Focus on Azimuth, 2009, Cairo, Egypt. EAGE Subsalt Imaging Workshop: Focus on Azimuth, 2009.

Numerical solution of the acoustic wave equation by the rapid expansion method (REM) - A one step time evolution algorithm.
STOFFA, Louis Paul; PESTANA, R. C. In: SEG Houston 2009 International Exposition and Annual Meeting, 2009, Houston. SEG 77th International Exposition and Annual Meeting, 2009. p. 2672-2676.
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